Category Archives: Old Test Stuff


Tebel is simple case. You know that you are not allowed to make a Zimun on something in which Ma’asrot not given.

You have to give Ma’asrot for crops only when getting nourishment directly from the ground.
In the olden days the used to put plants in pots with holes in them and put them in the ground, so the crop would get nourishment directly from the ground
But what if there were no holes?
The Rabbis outlawed the pot with NO hole because it looked to similar to the one with holes.
The case that the Mishna is talking about when there are NO holes in the pot.
This is shady because according to the Torah it IS okay to make Zimun on the pot with NO holes but according to the Rabbis it is NOT.

Rami Bar Chama

Rami Bar Chama refuse to make Zimun with Rab Menashia Bar Tachalifa, 

because he learned Mishna and Halacha but not Mishna.

Rami Bar Chama died and Rava said that the reason he died was because 
he didn’t make Zimun with Rab Menashia Bar Tachalifa
Why did he die because of this? He was only following the Beraita?! 
It was different by Rab Menashya because he really did learn Gemara, but Rami Bar Chama didn’t investigate him, and didn’t check if he really did.
A different version says that since Rab Menashya only listened to the Rabbis and reviewed their words therefore we was concidered a novice or a R.I.T (Rabbi ITraining) and Rami Bar Chama didn’t give him the proper respect.


Definition of an Am Ha’aretz

Whoever does not eat pure: Doesn’t wash Netilat Yadaim Rabbi Meir
Whoever does not separate Ma’asrot Chachamim
Whoever does not say Shema in Shaharit and Arbit Rabbi Eliezer
Whoever doesn’t put on Tefilin Rabbi Yehoshua
Whoever doesn’t put Sisit on his four-cornered garment Ben Azai
Whoever doesn’t have a Mezuzah in his door Rabbi Natan
Whoever has children and doesn’t bring them up in the ways of Torah Rabbi Natan Bar Yosef
Anyone who is fluent in Tanach and Mishna but not Gemara Aherim (Others)

Halacha is like the Aherim (Others).


Why should he be able to make Zimun?

At best, he is an Am Ha’aretz and the Beraita says that you can’t make a Zimun with an Am Ha’aretz!?
Abaye says:
This case is talking about  a Cooti who is knowledgable.
Rava says:
The following:
The Beraita says:
What is an Am Ha’aretz?
  1. Rabbi Meir: Whoever does not eat pure: Doesn’t wash Netilat Yadaim
  2. Chachamim: Whoever does not separate Ma’asrot
Rava follows like the CHACHAMIM.
The Gemara then answers on Rava’s opinion:
The Cootim these days are careful to follow those laws that are written in the Beraita, Hence they give Ma’asrot, which makes it that they are not an Am Ha’aretz. 
Every Mitzvah that the Cootim hold, the are more strict than most of Yisrael.
The Gemara then brings a Beraita that gives ius eight or so opinions on the definition of an Am Ha’aretz. The Halacha is like the Aherim (others). To see the whole chart click here.

Rashi 47b

מעשר שני והקדש שנפדו:

If the owner redeems his item he must pay an additional Chomesh (20%)
לא קבע:
He is not set because he is coming and going
Shelo Shimesh:
This refers to Gemara which is based on logic. It is the reasoning behind the Gemara. It is compiled of all the statements, and questions, and answers.
Shelo Nitla Terumato
You might have thought that it is talking about Terumat Ma’aser but it’s not, it’s talking about Teruma Gedola.


What is bothering Rashi?
What is simple about this case?
The fact that you don’t make Zimun on Tebel is obvious.
Why does Rashi telling us this?
That is obvious?
Rashi is telling us that now we’re switching to the ones in which you can’t make Zimun.

Ma’aser Rishon Shenitlah Terumato

Isn’t this simple? Why is the Mishna giving us this case? Isn’t this just your regular, old, everyday, run-of-the-mill case? Why does the Mishna feel the need to tell us that you are allowed to say Zimun in this case it is obvious!

You do need it, because if a Levi comes before the bundles are completely gathered, he gives Terumat Ma’aser but he does not separate “Teruma Gedola” (Original Teruma from Yisrael to Cohen). (And because of this, this case now seems shady)
And it is like Rabbi Abhu. That he says in the name of Resh Lakish that a person who takes from the bundles before they are finished being gathered he has to give Terumat Ma’aser and not Teruma Gedola.
He proves this from a Pasuk that says that the Levi’im have to give Ma’aser from the Ma’aser. He only said Ma’aser from the Ma’aser, it doesn’t say anything about Teruma Gedola, therefore we learn from here he doesn’t have to give Teruma Gedola.
If this pasuk is correct, what’s the difference between before/after bundling?


Its says in the Beraita, “You should not say an Amen Hatoofa (Literally means grab), Ketoofa (Shortened), or Yetooma (orphaned).

Ben Azai says that one who says an Amen Yetooma his children will be orphaned, Hatoofa his days will be grabbed, And Ketoofa his days will be shortened.
And anyone who stretches out his Amen (but not too long) his days will be lengthened.
Rab and Shmuel are eating and Rab Simei Bar Hiia comes and tries to eat quickly to join them in Zimun.
Rab says to him, what are you thinking, we ate already, you can’t join us now.