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Rabbi Savdie Trimester 2

Hey Guys, was feeling the revamping of this. I hope this helps!!! As always if you find something incorrect please say something…

First, let’s mention why we are even in this sugia. The writer of the Gemara here is listing all of the cases in which Rav speaks in the name of Rabbi Yehuda, and Rav Kahana argues. With that said, let’s jump in to the Gemara!

Psych! First let’s give some background. In order for a Mikveh to be valid, it has to contain 40 Se’ah of natural water. If there is a Mikveh that is missing some water, and three Lugin of Gathered Water fall into it, this Mikveh becomes invalid. However, if the Mikveh is full, i.e. has 40 Se’ah, and three lugin of gathered water falls into it, not only is the Mikveh still Kosher, the gathered water converts into “Kosher water.” It is also important to note, that this rule by the Rabbis only applies to water, and not to other substances like wine and milk. Ok, finally, we can start the Gemara.

The Gemara starts with a statement of Rav in the name of Rabbi Yehuda. He says, if there are three Lugin of water and a Kortov (a drop) of wine falls into it, and then this water falls into the Mikveh, the Mikveh is still Kosher.

Rav Kahana asks, What’s the difference between this (3 Lugin with a drop of wine) and colored water (which would make the Mikveh Pasul)?

Rava answers, the colored water is called “water” (therefore it is thought of as Gathered Water, which would render the Mikveh not Kosher), while the 3 Lugin of water with a drop of wine is referred to as diluted wine, and as we mentioned in the introduction, wine will not Posel the Mikveh.

Rabbi Chiya brings a Beraitah that says that diluted wine makes the Mikveh Pasul. This directly contradicts the statement of Rav, who says that the diluted wine does not Posel the Mikveh.

Notable Word: והתני- This refers to a Beraita that is brought when the actual speaker of the beraita is teaching it to us. So here it says והתני רבי חייא. Rabbi Chiya taught in the Beraita.

Rava answers, there is no question, Rab’s case is like the opinion of Rabbi Yochanan Ben (Im) Nuri (who, by the way, is a Tanna and can argue on the Beraita), and this Beraita is according to the Rabbis.

(We see here, Rabbi Yochanan Ben Nuri holds that everything is determined by appearance, while the Rabbis disregard color as a factor).

It says in the Mishnah,

Resha—  Three Lugin of water that is missing a Kortov, and a Kortov of wine falls into it, and it looks like wine, and then it falls into the Mikveh, Lo Pesaluhu.

Sefa—Three Lugin of water that is missing a Kortov, and a Kortov of milk falls into it, and it looks like water, and then it falls into the Mikveh, Lo Pesaluhu.

Rabbi Yochana Ben Nuri says, everything goes after its appearance.

Now, bear with me, because this is where it gets a bit confusing.

Rav Papa asked on this very point, that he wonders if Rav learned Haser Kortov (That the 3 Lugin were missing a drop) in the Resha.

Now, Rav Papa is going to speculate the two possibilities: if Rab’s Mishna had Haser Kortov, or not.

If it did have Haser Kortov— Rav Papa makes a speculation that according to Tana Kama, if the 3 Lugin had not been missing the Kortov then the Mikveh would have been Pasul. This directly contradicts Rav, who said in the original case of the sugia, that if three Lugin of water had a Kortov of wine fall into it, and then that water fall into the Mikveh, the Mikveh is Kosher. Here, Tana Kama implies that he holds it would be Pasul. This contradicts Rav!

Also, Rabbi Yochanan Ben (Im) Nuri says that everything goes after appearance, and Rav is like Rabbi Yochana Ben Nuri.

-Or Maybe-

If it did not have Haser Kortov— Rabbi Yochanan Ben (Im) Nuri would argue on the Sefa*, And Rav would hold like everyone.

*Because, he holds that everything goes after appearance, therefore when the Kortov of milk falls into the three Lugin Haser Kortov of water, the milk, which looks like water, completes the three Lugin. Now, when it falls into the Mikveh, it’s as if three Lugin of Ma’im She’ovin (gathered water) fell into the Mikveh, which would Posel the Mikveh.

Now, if Rav holds like everyone, that means that he is not like Rabbi Yochanan Ben (Im) Nuri according to Rav Papa, because Rabbi Yochanan argues on the Sefa and Rav doesn’t.

The Gemara now inquires why Rava said (all the way before this Mishna that we brought) that Rav is like Rabbi Yochanan Ben Nuri?

According to Rashi’s explanation of the Gemara, it is because Rava has the first version of the Mishna (that has Haser Kortov), which fits Rav and Rabbi Yochanan Ben (Im) Nuri’s opinions well.

Okay, awesome, the hard part should be over!



Gemara Ad Hechan

Until when is Birkat Hazimun? When does Birkat Hazimun end and Birkat Hamazon start?

Rab Nachman —  Until Nevarech
Rab Sheshat —  Until Hazan
Rashi Ad Hechan: That means that what you would need to say with three people and with two people you don’t say. This implies that according to Rab Sheshat, you wouldn’t say Birkat Hazan if you don’t have Zimun.
Can we compare this Machloket to a Machloket of the Tana’im? 
One Beraita says —  Is Birkat Hamazon two or three —  This is like Rab Sheshat because he doesn’t consider Hazan as his own Beracha, rather part of the Zimun Beracha.
Rashi Birkat Hamazon Shetaim or Shalosh: There are times when there are three Berachot, and there are times when there are two Berachot. How? When there are two people (No Zimun) then you say to Berachot, and when there are three people(There is Zimun  then you say three Berachot.
Another Beraita says —  How long is Birkat Hamazon? 3 or 4? —  This is like Rab Nachman, because he holds that Birkat Hazan IS it’s own Beracha.
Everyone holds that Hatov Vehametiv is not from the Torah. So then what are they arguing if not Hatov Vehametiv?
Rather they are arguing on what we said above when we explained the Beraitot (which is not said in the Gemara until now, I just added it in).
The Gemara says NO! Since they cannot argue with the Shitot of the Tana’im, they have to try to prove themselves like both Beraitot so that they can knock out the opposite opinion.
Rab Nachman —  According to the second Beraita (3 or 4) my shita makes sense, but what about the first (2 or 3)? This is talking about the case of Birkat Po’alim, in which they condense two berachot into one, so that the workers can finish quickly. Like Mor says, a worker opens with Hazan, and includes Bonei Yerushalaim in Birkat Ha’aretz.
Rab Sheshat — According to the first Beraita (2 or 3) my Shita makes sense, but what about the second (3 or 4)? In the second Beraita, they hold that Hatov Vehametiv it actually from the Torah, and that is the extra Beracha. 

Global Review Sheet

Global History Review Sheet


G – 1) fertile soil.  2) between 2 rivers / titans / euphrates. 3) central location.

R – 1) killed servants to serve dead king in after life. 2) polytheism. 3) priests. 4) buried with possessions. 5) ziggurats (temples)

E – 1) trade.  2) coins ($ system). 3) import exports. 4) taxes.

A – 1) Hammurabi’s code. 2) cuneiform (writing system). 3) trade. 4) Government (had a ruler). 5) House building (clay)

T – 1) agriculture tools (wheel, vase pot). 2) numbering system. 3) irrigation watering system—>bronze tools and weapons. 4) clay tablets. 5) art/architecture.



G – 1) Nile River.  2) Lower and Upper Egypt.  3) Northern Africa. 4) Fertile Soil

R – 1) polytheistic.  2) believe in afterlife. 3) buried with possessions. 4) mummification.    5) pharaohs were gods.

E – 1) Traded Crops.  2) Agriculture (2-3 crops a year)

A – 1) Hieroglyphics. 2) Papyrus. 3) Medicine. 4) Calendar. 5) Mummification

T – 1) Shadoof. 2) Pyramids. 3) Iron weapons. 4) Medicine. 5) Clay tablets. 6) Papyrus


G – Mountains: separated cities. Seas: loanian, mediterranean, Aegan.

R – Polytheistic, Mythology.

E – Agora (market). Trade. Coin system

A – arts and architecture. Philosophy. Literature/mythology

T – Architecture, chariots, boats


G – Med. sea, Alps, Pyranees mountain, republic vs. empire

R – Polytheistic, Christianity

E – Farming, Banking, Trading, Slaves

A – Republic, Navy, Empire, Twelve tables

T – Chariots, Mathemitians, Medicine



G – Med. sea, Pyranees ,and Himeleyes mountains. Gobi desert. Huang He and Yangtze river, rivers gave them fertile soil

R – Christianity, Taoism, Hinduism, Oracle Bones

E – Trade → SILKROAD, traded Goods

A – Feudalism, Dynasty (dynasty cycle)

T – Bronze, Jade, Silk, Weapons, Oracle bones



·      Indus & Ganges River

·      Subcontinent

·      Himalayas

·      Ghats

·      Monsoons

R-  shower for ritual, Hinduism, Buddhism, Polytheistic

E-  Trade through water, chariots from Aryans, weight for value

A- Sanskrit, sewer systems, weights, no strong central government

T- weights, sewer systems, ax, chariots



For each civilization we need to know: GREAT, Rivers, and Vocab


Papyrus- paper Egyptians used to write on it was made of reeds

Dynasty- is a time period in history when some are ruled (dynasty of Egypt)

Pharaoh- the king of the Egyptians. They were considered gods and humans

Empire- is a nation that ruled over land (Babylonian empire- ex)

Polytheism- there belief in one god

Monotheism- the belief in more than one god

Scribes- were the people who write and documented things. They wrote records for the kings.

Mummification- the way the Egyptians buried the dead; they wrapped the dead in paper and put them in coffins. This persevered the boded.


For each religion, know the VOCAB,SACRED TEXTS, and PERSON


Person: Jesus

Text: New Testament, Old Testament

Beliefs: Jesus was Messiah, Christmas, Easter



Person: Mohammed

Text: Koran/Qu’ran

Belief: Allah, Mecca (holy site), 5 pillars, Haj (religious trip), pray 5 times a day, Mosque


Belief: Yin and Yang, Nature, Life force


Person: Buddha

Text: Tripitaka

Belief: Desire → suffering, connected to Hinduism, 4 noble truths, Caste system – stay in class, spiritual enlightenment., Reincarnation, 8 fold path


Text: Vedas

Belief: Nirvana (soul goes to god instead of reincarnation), Karma (the deeds in order to achieve your goal), Dharma (goal), Reincarnation (coming back to life), *Caste system→ move classes, Atman (your soul)


Person: Confucius

Text: Analects

Text: 5 relationships, ancestral worships, Jen (kindness) & Li (manners), Filial Piety (respect parents)


Person: Hashem and Abraham

Text: Torah

Belief: Monotheistic


Definition of an Am Ha’aretz

Whoever does not eat pure: Doesn’t wash Netilat Yadaim Rabbi Meir
Whoever does not separate Ma’asrot Chachamim
Whoever does not say Shema in Shaharit and Arbit Rabbi Eliezer
Whoever doesn’t put on Tefilin Rabbi Yehoshua
Whoever doesn’t put Sisit on his four-cornered garment Ben Azai
Whoever doesn’t have a Mezuzah in his door Rabbi Natan
Whoever has children and doesn’t bring them up in the ways of Torah Rabbi Natan Bar Yosef
Anyone who is fluent in Tanach and Mishna but not Gemara Aherim (Others)

Halacha is like the Aherim (Others).

Ma’aser Rishon Shenitlah Terumato

Isn’t this simple? Why is the Mishna giving us this case? Isn’t this just your regular, old, everyday, run-of-the-mill case? Why does the Mishna feel the need to tell us that you are allowed to say Zimun in this case it is obvious!

You do need it, because if a Levi comes before the bundles are completely gathered, he gives Terumat Ma’aser but he does not separate “Teruma Gedola” (Original Teruma from Yisrael to Cohen). (And because of this, this case now seems shady)
And it is like Rabbi Abhu. That he says in the name of Resh Lakish that a person who takes from the bundles before they are finished being gathered he has to give Terumat Ma’aser and not Teruma Gedola.
He proves this from a Pasuk that says that the Levi’im have to give Ma’aser from the Ma’aser. He only said Ma’aser from the Ma’aser, it doesn’t say anything about Teruma Gedola, therefore we learn from here he doesn’t have to give Teruma Gedola.
If this pasuk is correct, what’s the difference between before/after bundling?

Oral Booklet Part 1

Midrash Tanhuma

Rabbi Yehuda Bar Shalom says, that when Hashem told Moshe to “Ketab Lach,” he asked if he could write the Mishna. But Hashem said no, because He foresaw that the Goyim would translate the Torah in their language and they would say were are from Yisrael, and Hashem would say, no you are not, these are my children, and this is the Torah that I gave them by heart.

Sifra in Behukotai

It says in Behukotai “Torot,” Which implies that there are two Torahs. What does this teach us? This there are two Torot: Torah Shebichtav, and Torah Shebe’al Peh.

Hebrew Dictionary

  1. Our Mishna -מתנ’ -מתניתין
  2. (דא מאי)food in which we’re uncertain if were מעשרות given-דמאי
  3. food that you know that Matanot was not taken out-טבל
  4. Passage- Etc.וכו’- וכוליה
  5. פסוק- Etc.-וגו’- וגומר
  6.  for exampleכגון
  7. You might have thought -קס”ד- קא סלקא דעתך
  8.  An assumption/ original thoughtה”א- הוה אמינא
  9. These –הני
  10. are/is needed-איצטריך
  11. To teach us –לאשמעינן
  12.  go –אזל
  13. like/similar –דמי
  14.  Literal- Comes out from here –נפקא מינה
    1.  Function- Practical Difference
  15. From where are these words? –מה”מ- מנא מני מילי
    1. Function: The Gemara is asking for the Torah source for something that was just said
  16. קרא– פסוק
  17. Here –הכא
  18.  allowed –רשאי
  19. If you want to say –וא”ת- ואם תאמר
    1. Function: Intro to question
  20. Intro to answer-וי”ל- ויש לאמר
  21.  how –היכי- איך
  22. to bring מייתי
  23. to include-לאתויי
  24. This –הכי
  25.  ברייתא it was taught in a-תניא
    1. They may or may not be universally accepted
  26. our Rabbis learnedתנו רבנן
    1. Intro to a ברייתא that is universally accepted
  27.  it was taught in a mishna-תנן
  28. also –נמי
  29.  (אמורא) It was said –אתמר
  30. Argue פליגי
  31. one –חד
  32. yes –אין
  33. there –התם
  34. come and learn/listen- תא שמע-
    1. The Gemara is bringing a proof for against what we just said
  35. Different שאני
  36.  to/for them-להו
  37. to/for him-ליה
  38. From the outside/beginning מעיקרא
  39. It was learned/writtenקתני
  40. We learn from hereשמע מינה
  41. if אי
  42. Why –אמאי
  43. Unless –אא”כ- אלא אם כן
  44. it’s good/it works –ניחא
  45. him דידיה
  46. her –דידה
  47. need/want/ask –בעי
  48. תרי– 2
  49. There is-איכא
  50. There is notליכא
  51. Later on לקמן
  52. Before/Above –לעל
  53. Reason –טעמא
  54. More –טפי
  55. I say –אימא
    1. You say –תימא
    2.  We say –נימא
    3. To sayלימא
  56. The end –סיפא
  57. The beginningרישא
  58. It can be concluded תסתיים
  59. Rather/but אלא
  60. We discussed this והוינן בה
  61. Came אתי/אתו
  62. The west-Israel מערבא
  63.  Body גופא
    1. Function: The Gemara takes something mentioned as a tangent and makes it the body of the discussion
  64. To ask a very strong question מתקיף
  65.  On the contrary –אדרבה
  66. Opposite איפכא
  67. Logical makes sense –מסתברא
  68.  What’s the reason ?מ״ט- מאי טעמא
  69. That is the law/The same applies-וה״ה- והוא הדין
  70.  Words/Things מילתא
  71. Him איהו
  72. Together בהדי הדדי
  73. Where –היכא
  74. To go back הדר
  75. Retroactively למפרע
  76. בתר– After
  77. שכיח Common/Found
  78.  אידך– Another one
  79.  כי היכי- Like
  80.  דקסבר That he holds
  81.  מיהו– However
  82.  גירסא– Edition
  83.  שרי– Permission/Permissible
  84.  אלמא– Which implies
  85. חזי See/Suitable, worthy
  86. פשיטאSimple
    1. The Gemara is saying that a Limud that was taught is seemingly obvious!
  87. מהו דתימא- You might have thought
    1. The Gemara is telling me why that which you might think is obvious is actually not obvious
  88. רחמנא- Hashem/Torah
  89. הב״ע- הכא במאי עסקינן- What are we dealing with here?
  90. קמ״ל- קא משמע לן- It comes to teach us
  91. מעכב- Hold back/Prevent
  92. האידנא– Today/Nowadays
  93. מאן- The one
  94. מ״ד- מאן דאמר- The one who says
  95. סהדותא- Testimony/Witnessing
  96. והתניא– But it says in the Beraita…?
    1. The Gemara poses a question on what was just said from a Beraita
  97. היכי דמי-ה״׳ד- What’s the case?
  98. לעז– Foreign Language
    1. רשי—-> Old French
  99.  איידי Since
  100. מיתיבי– Gemara asks a question (usually from a Beraita) 
  101. מכאן From here
  102. גבי- With regards to
  103. ש״ד- שפיר דמי- It’s good/clear
  104. דילמא- Maybe
  105. דוקא- Specifically/Only
  106. מסקנא Conclusion
    1. מסיק- Conclude
  107. א׳ בראש מילה- On
  108. איירי- Talking About
  109. איכא בנייהו- Literal- There is between them
            1. Function- Bringing Nafka Mina between 2 shitot
  110. מסייע- Supports
  111. הואיל- Since
  112. תימה- Question/Wonder
  113. בהדיא- Explicit/Outright
  114. בתמיה- As a question
  115. איקלע- Went to visit
  116. כי היכי- Like
  117. סגי- Enough
  118. …מה…אף- If x, then y
  119. פריך- To Ask
    1. פירכא- Question
  120. השתא- Now
  121. בריה-  Son of
  122. מוכח- Proof
  123. כ״ע-כולי עלמא- Everyone
  124. דידהו- Them
  125. פרהסיא- In public
  126. אי נמי- Literal- If also
    1. Function- Bringing another answer
  127. ותו- and further(more)
  128. פקע- Burst
  129. אכתי- Still
  130. חייש- Suspicious
  131. מידי- Something
  132. קאי- Referring to