Category Archives: Rabbi Savdie Trimester 2

Rabbi Savdie Trimester 2

Hey Guys, was feeling the revamping of this. I hope this helps!!! As always if you find something incorrect please say something…

First, let’s mention why we are even in this sugia. The writer of the Gemara here is listing all of the cases in which Rav speaks in the name of Rabbi Yehuda, and Rav Kahana argues. With that said, let’s jump in to the Gemara!

Psych! First let’s give some background. In order for a Mikveh to be valid, it has to contain 40 Se’ah of natural water. If there is a Mikveh that is missing some water, and three Lugin of Gathered Water fall into it, this Mikveh becomes invalid. However, if the Mikveh is full, i.e. has 40 Se’ah, and three lugin of gathered water falls into it, not only is the Mikveh still Kosher, the gathered water converts into “Kosher water.” It is also important to note, that this rule by the Rabbis only applies to water, and not to other substances like wine and milk. Ok, finally, we can start the Gemara.

The Gemara starts with a statement of Rav in the name of Rabbi Yehuda. He says, if there are three Lugin of water and a Kortov (a drop) of wine falls into it, and then this water falls into the Mikveh, the Mikveh is still Kosher.

Rav Kahana asks, What’s the difference between this (3 Lugin with a drop of wine) and colored water (which would make the Mikveh Pasul)?

Rava answers, the colored water is called “water” (therefore it is thought of as Gathered Water, which would render the Mikveh not Kosher), while the 3 Lugin of water with a drop of wine is referred to as diluted wine, and as we mentioned in the introduction, wine will not Posel the Mikveh.

Rabbi Chiya brings a Beraitah that says that diluted wine makes the Mikveh Pasul. This directly contradicts the statement of Rav, who says that the diluted wine does not Posel the Mikveh.

Notable Word: והתני- This refers to a Beraita that is brought when the actual speaker of the beraita is teaching it to us. So here it says והתני רבי חייא. Rabbi Chiya taught in the Beraita.

Rava answers, there is no question, Rab’s case is like the opinion of Rabbi Yochanan Ben (Im) Nuri (who, by the way, is a Tanna and can argue on the Beraita), and this Beraita is according to the Rabbis.

(We see here, Rabbi Yochanan Ben Nuri holds that everything is determined by appearance, while the Rabbis disregard color as a factor).

It says in the Mishnah,

Resha—  Three Lugin of water that is missing a Kortov, and a Kortov of wine falls into it, and it looks like wine, and then it falls into the Mikveh, Lo Pesaluhu.

Sefa—Three Lugin of water that is missing a Kortov, and a Kortov of milk falls into it, and it looks like water, and then it falls into the Mikveh, Lo Pesaluhu.

Rabbi Yochana Ben Nuri says, everything goes after its appearance.

Now, bear with me, because this is where it gets a bit confusing.

Rav Papa asked on this very point, that he wonders if Rav learned Haser Kortov (That the 3 Lugin were missing a drop) in the Resha.

Now, Rav Papa is going to speculate the two possibilities: if Rab’s Mishna had Haser Kortov, or not.

If it did have Haser Kortov— Rav Papa makes a speculation that according to Tana Kama, if the 3 Lugin had not been missing the Kortov then the Mikveh would have been Pasul. This directly contradicts Rav, who said in the original case of the sugia, that if three Lugin of water had a Kortov of wine fall into it, and then that water fall into the Mikveh, the Mikveh is Kosher. Here, Tana Kama implies that he holds it would be Pasul. This contradicts Rav!

Also, Rabbi Yochanan Ben (Im) Nuri says that everything goes after appearance, and Rav is like Rabbi Yochana Ben Nuri.

-Or Maybe-

If it did not have Haser Kortov— Rabbi Yochanan Ben (Im) Nuri would argue on the Sefa*, And Rav would hold like everyone.

*Because, he holds that everything goes after appearance, therefore when the Kortov of milk falls into the three Lugin Haser Kortov of water, the milk, which looks like water, completes the three Lugin. Now, when it falls into the Mikveh, it’s as if three Lugin of Ma’im She’ovin (gathered water) fell into the Mikveh, which would Posel the Mikveh.

Now, if Rav holds like everyone, that means that he is not like Rabbi Yochanan Ben (Im) Nuri according to Rav Papa, because Rabbi Yochanan argues on the Sefa and Rav doesn’t.

The Gemara now inquires why Rava said (all the way before this Mishna that we brought) that Rav is like Rabbi Yochanan Ben Nuri?

According to Rashi’s explanation of the Gemara, it is because Rava has the first version of the Mishna (that has Haser Kortov), which fits Rav and Rabbi Yochanan Ben (Im) Nuri’s opinions well.

Okay, awesome, the hard part should be over!