Category Archives: Tosafot

Tosafot Veha

In the subject of Minyan or anything that has ten, they are not obligated. Even still, When it comes to Zimun they are considered like three but the Din is still like they have two. 

But it didn’t day that the Din for women is like one man can make Zimun, because You are always unable to say Zimun with one. 
It doesn’t say three either because that would imply that they are obligated to make Zimun.
It says two, because now that implies that two people have the option to make Zimun.
Rashi Says, that in regards to Chiub they are not obligated to say Zimun but if they want to they have the Din of two men. 

Tosafot Bekolo Shel Moshe

משה ידבר והאלקים יעננו בקול- We try to learn from this pasuk that a translator can’t be louder than the reader. this pasuk seems to be backwards. The way that the pasuk is set up it looks like that Moshe is the reader and Hashem is the translator.

The Tosafot asks, it should have said that Hashem was reading and then Moshe was translating in that order.
The Tosafot answers that Moshe is really the translator and God was really the reader but when Moshe said the word of G-D and came back he asked “What’s next?” and then Hashem told him. Therefore the Pasuk makes sense because Moshe spoke first, and then G-D answered. 
Also, when Hashem told Moshe the commandment, he screamed, so that Moshe could speak equally as loud to B’nei Yisrael.